

A Minnesota that reflects our values is possible.


Now is the time for us to tap into our political imagination. We can realize the possibility of a government that will deliver resources to meet our shared needs and solve the problems we see in our daily lives. We have a right to investments in our community that lay the groundwork for a future that includes all of us.


Quality Public Education 

Young people are powerful and we need to center their voice as we build institutions that meet their needs. Unfortunately, our school system delivers racist outcomes, including one of the largest opportunity gaps in the country between white students and Black, Brown, Indigenous, and immigrant students. We need to invest in quality public education that works for all young people in Minnesota.


  • Fully fund schools by increasing the general education formula and eliminating funding gaps for special education and English language learning programs.

  • Implement statewide ethnic studies requirements so students can have access to honest, accurate, and reflective curriculum.

  • Recruit, support, and retain teachers of color to diversify the teaching force.

  • Fund full-service community schools to build resilient communities around our schools that deliver the additional services students need in order to be ready to learn.

  • Focus on solutions not suspensions, create healthy school environments that prioritize student well-being, utilize restorative justice practices, eliminate suspensions in lower grades, and find solutions to replace punitive disciplinary measures across all grades.



Climate Justice & Resilience

In order to avoid existential global catastrophe, we will need entirely new economies, new jobs, new infrastructure, and a new vision for what is possible. The impact of climate change is already felt most acutely by BIPOC people – it is essential to center a racial justice lens when considering appropriate climate policy. Our built environment will need to change to meet the moment, including more housing density, improved public transit, increased home energy efficiency, and more. We must implement a just transition to ensure a healthy economy and a clean environment for future generations.


  • Job training and investment to create a green workforce – any job losses in a transition to a green economy should be fairly compensated.

  • Stand with water protectors and support environmental conservation of wild spaces.

  • Increase funding for quality public transportation, pedestrian, and bicycle infrastructure. 

  • Create programs to help homeowners retro-fit their homes for increased efficiency.

  • Work toward communal or cooperative ownership of energy generation. 

  • Implement rapid decarbonization to get to net-zero emissions.

  • Incentivize less carbon-intensive agriculture to increase ecological diversity.



Healthcare For All & Reproductive Justice

Access to healthcare is a human right, and we need to fight to make healthcare more accessible, culturally informed, and affordable. Our healthcare system is currently driven by market incentives that favor corporations instead of communities. The opioid crisis has highlighted how the for-profit healthcare industry can destroy the lives of millions of people. We need a healthcare system that centers our needs, not the profit margins of insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies.


  • Expand state Medicaid programs as a pathway toward single-payer healthcare, such as the Minnesota Health Plan.

  • Increase funding for health insurance navigators rooted in trusted community institutions.

  • Make addiction treatment more accessible through more funding of culturally informed organizations and institutions.

  • Ensure access to sexual and reproductive healthcare for all people and defend the right to choose, especially for those most marginalized.


Public Safety & Racial Justice 

Communities, neighborhoods, and individuals feel safe when our needs are met. Decades of policy-making centered on ‘tough on crime’ approaches have left us with the highest incarceration rates in the world, disproportionately affecting Black, Brown, and Indigenous people. We can have a future where public safety is centered on preventing crime before it happens while having an effective and efficient emergency response. We can build a system of public safety that is just, transparent, and accountable for BIPOC Minnesotans.


  • Fund alternatives to armed officers for traffic enforcement, domestic violence response, unhoused community outreach, and mental health crises. 

  • Call for the immediate decriminalization of marijuana and expungement of criminal records related to nonviolent drug offenses. 

  • Work towards the legalization of marijuana statewide and the building of a just and equitable cannabis industry. 

  • Fund engaging out-of-school time programs that connect youth to the community and prevent them from entering the criminal justice system.

  • Prioritize funding for culturally specific programming for survivors of violence, such as trauma-informed shelters, family support services, and healing practices. 

  • Allocate state funding for municipalities to prevent and respond to gun violence.


Workers Rights & Economic Justice

For workers and families to thrive, we need a living wage, safer working conditions, and the right to organize. To achieve economic justice, we need to address the needs of workers and families.


  • Working alongside labor organizers to expand collective bargaining rights & workplace protections, and combat wage theft & insidious right-to-work laws.

  • Fighting for paid family & medical leave.

  • Enacting sensible rent stabilization policies.

  • Funding more public housing. Fund support to those who experience houselessness at a higher rate, such as LGBTQIA+ youth and adults.

  • Allowing other housing solutions, such as cooperative living and micro-units.

  • Passing measures to protect tenants.

  • Incentivizing union labor for construction of city and private contracts.